The Basic Life Support Providers Instructor-led course teaches one or two rescuer as well as team BLS. Anyone in the healthcare arena would benefit from taking this course. Complete your registration today and get you will receive your card in class.
* See reschedule and cancellation policy below and then move to step 1.
This instructor-led course allows for the participant to become certified in three areas of the Heartsaver group. This course covers adult, children, and infants. Complete your registration today and get you will receive your card in class.
* See reschedule and cancellation policy below and then move to step 1.
The Heartsaver CPR with AED covers CPR & AED for all age groups. It is an instructor-led course where everything is done in class. Complete your registration today and get you will receive your card in class.
* See reschedule and cancellation policy below and then move to step 1.
The Heartsaver 1st Aid Instructor- lead course can be taken alone. Complete your registration today and get you will receive your card in class.
* See reschedule and cancellation policy below and then move to step 1.
This is ideal for anyone who has taken a CPR course and does not want to do an instructor-lead course.
Simply complete the first part online (Part A) and then stop by for a quick skills assessment. (Part B). Complete your registration today and get you will receive your card in class.
* See reschedule and cancellation policy below and then move to step 1.
We are a full service certification center. Join our Train-the-Trainer course! We can can help you to get the credentials that you need so that you can become an instructor as well! Please contact us before booking this course as there are a few steps that you will need to take.
* See reschedule and cancellation policy below and then move to step 1.
This course is designed to help you to understand how to avoid cross contamination. * See reschedule and cancellation policy below and then move to step 1.
We offer CPR, First Aid, Bloodborne Pathogens courses.
We also mentor, mold and support those who would like to venture off into becoming CPR Instructors through our Train the Trainer. Program.
We also specialize in selling AED's as well as personal protective equipment that can be used while performing CPR and other First Aid Services.
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